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Are You Curious or Serious about Lesbian Dating?

Most women want a long-term committed relationship. Sounds wonderful! The problem is on how to get there.

You want it easy and now. That’s great if you happen to walk head-long into the perfect gay girl for you. Unfortunately, that doesn’t happen for most of us. Most of the time to find a really great relationship that deserves the place of life-time commitment in your life, you’re going to have to shop around for a while. Yes, dating is like shopping. Some women love to shop, others don't. Which one are you?

The best approach to finding lasting love is to be really clear about what you want along with having clear boundaries around dating. If we are so damn serious it's because we know that you want a long-term committed relationship now! Not later!

Dating is about having fun

You need to keep dating more about fun and getting to know someone than about serious mini-commitments. Being in a committed lesbian relationship can sometimes be a challenge. Loving and being loved are the best feelings in the world and everyone should experience them. Finding the right person can be hard, but sometimes finding out if the person you have is the right person can be even harder.

Serious dating is about being honest.

You need to be honest with yourself and your dates will help things to go slowly. You are not in a rush to find Ms. Anyone but Ms. Right. Things get bumpy as she wants more than you’re prepared to give or the opposite. Sex is serious stuff for all of us.

Beyond the U-Haul!

Are you one of those who move very quickly toward commitment... a U-Haul girl?

One of the points of staying casual when dating is that you are testing out compatibility. Does she meet your requirements? Does she share your values? Do your dreams and goals for your lives align and work together. The point of a casual dating relationship is also to have fun. Sex may be like an addiction. It creates a chemical connection through the hormones you release during orgasm.

When two women are releasing that attachment hormone, things may get serious way too fast. Sometimes, we lesbians get too serious too soon and it takes a lot of the fun out of being in relationships.Then we decide too soon to stick it out with a gay girl who really isn’t a great match for you. Now you may be discouraged about being in a relationship because you’ve had a few bad ones.

Go at your own pace

It takes bravery and often conscious and deliberate effort not to fall into a relationship after a few dates or sex. Setting boundaries, giving ourselves time to see how we feel, talking things out, and knowing the difference between raging hormones and love when ideally we want both, are not easy things to do. But they are possible. And maybe if we let ourselves date, we’ll find that we have more time to decide what we really want.

We have created because the choice of who we partner with is too serious to be done in haste.

Well the good news is, will help you find your partner quickly and easily in Saguenay.

You don't have to wonder whether she is a lesbian or a woman seeking woman. If she is there, she already qualifies! And you don't have to waste your time asking someone out, only to find, they aren't interested in dating right now. You can see what everyone is looking for, on their profile. We provide a premier online lesbian dating experience that is truly unique where lesbian singles can meet for dating, chat and more.

You can meet thousands of lesbian singles near you. Choose to meet lesbian singles living in your local area or around the world and make your online dating different every time.


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